Lisa Borodyanskaya, MPH
I started my career in clinical research in the division of urgynecology at PennMedicine. There I worked with women from whom I learned the obstacles of living with bladder leaks. Aside from the struggle of planning your day, avoiding social activities, and facing embarrassment, there was also the struggle of affording monthly products such as diapers and pads. It was the conversations with these women that gave me the idea of creating new leak proof underwear that was beautiful, re-usable, and protective front to back.
After completing my masters in public health in which I did a project on bladder health, I started this business. In addition to Pullow, I also work as program manager in clinical research and am an outreach expert for bladder health education in the greater Philadelphia area. One important lesson I learned from the women I have encountered is that it will take a lot more than bladder leaks to stop them from having fun!